Friday, August 1, 2008

Churches that are Wolves in Sheep Clothing Part 1.

There are so many churches out there that claim their teaching is "the righteous word", and that their ideas, beliefs, and interpretation will lead people to salvation. According to the Bible, GOD is only pleased with seven churches. There's an infestation of churches, ALL can't be right. It seems to me that alot of churches has turned into businesses, rather than a holy temple where the spirit of GOD dwells. In the Bible, it states: Many will be fooled. This generation is smarter, more savvy, and are exposed in ways society has never before. How are so many going to be fooled? We would reject the preacher that is blatantly against GOD, and we would understand the "righteous anointed one" because his will would align up to God's will. So he's safe. But the one who dibbles and dabbles both ways, would have us confused. For example, the preacher who inspires, has neutral interpretation and gets us jumping out of our seats, and closer to the Lord. Wow... You found your church home!!! Eight months later, you find out he's a neglectful father, and an abusive husband, but a Super Pastor. Huh? So, the lesson that is learned from that preacher is become sayer's not doers'. Doesn't that sound familiar in our society? Isn't it funny how passion draws us in, and truth makes us doubtful.

Understand, I know there is no perfect being. But we are not weak in all areas. And, there is a criteria to be an ambassador for GOD. That's what makes a chosen pastor so special. He not only suppose to understand the word of GOD and inspire people. But, he is suppose to set an example of how we should be living our lives. Showing his followers that this is the right way to live because it brings you so much joy and favor in life. I am not following any pastor that does not maintain a true, good reputation, I could careless how much of the holy spirit resides in the church. Following a leader that has a true ethical reputation would eliminate alot of churches. Some people just wake up in the morning and choose to be a pastor/preacher and claim GOD called then to this duty. I don't think so. You are chosen by a desire that moves you, and the character that aligns up with the perfect will that GOD has for you. Get to know your pastors background and choices. Listen to him speak and interpret the word of GOD. Make sure you have peace, and deliberate. Life is short, we need to begin making wiser choices for ourselves.

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